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This post is written for the Real Diaper Week Carnival with the theme “Real Simple. Real Diapers.”  We aim to educate and advocate the use of cloth diapers in the Philippines.  Please scroll below to read the other carnival posts about cloth diaper styles, how to’s or must haves. 

Every time I post a picture of Z on Facebook, I’d receive messages asking about his stuff. So, I might as well make a series of posts regarding the things we use 🙂

First up, Next9 Cloth Diapers. Even in the age of disposable everything, cloth diapers were on my things to buy list for the baby. I was scared of diaper rash and I knew the importance of “airing” out baby’s bottom. Bacteria thrives on moist areas, right?!

At childbirth class, I encountered a cloth diaper with velcro and I was wildly fascinated! Gone are the days of using…

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